Monday, May 3, 2010

I don't have an exciting title, but things sure are exciting!

ARGH! I seriously forget that I have a blog sometimes. Things have really just reached an all-time-high on hectic-ness. I really hate to keep updating with things that are me-and-AL-centric...I really never intended for my blog to become one of...those sad "look at me, look at me" blogs. However, things have been really moving and shaking lately.

Between planning events, trying desperately to keep the ball rolling on the home renovation and preparing to switch jobs (OMG!) I feel like I can't keep track of what day of the week it is. Luckily, today was a classic Monday, so I was reminded right quick.

While it seems that every bit of exciting news in my life revolves around engagements and babies, I am happy to inform you that neither apply to me today. I have been offered a job with a wonderful organization doing big things in our community -- Partners for Active Living. Leaving United Way is certainly bittersweet. I LOVE my coworkers, the organization and the close connection to the community. I am so very excited to start a new chapter of my career and my life in Spartanburg. Even more, I am stoked to take on a new set of challenges around issues that I feel passionately about!

On the home front, the renovations are coming along... Probably not quite as quickly as I would like, but that's because I'm a complete control freak. I am ready to live in a home. I am exhausted from the "work site" feel of things. I do, however, have a huge appreciation for Allen and his talents. He has completely transformed this condemned mess of "house" into a real house. It is amazing. I am just SO ready to be finished and throw parties!

Today is my baby brother's birthday. He is 22, which makes me want to cry. He is a young man! It makes me an old woman ;)

Also, this weekend we'll attend my sister-in-law's college graduation at University of South Carolina. Again, I am in disbelief that she is graduating, as I remember meeting Addie as a high school cheerleader and debutante. Also makes me feel old!

In addition, (told you we're busy) Allen's brother, Adam, is graduating from high school this month! Makes me feel VERY old!

Life is grand!

1 comment:

  1. Okay - I am a little late reading this one... But congrats on the new job! How's it treating you? Are you adjusting?
