Thursday, January 20, 2011

In other news, the sky is blue....

Another Yahoo! article -

A new study of 3,000 women conducted by Superdrug found that one in three women refuse to go out in public without wearing makeup. As in, they can't even run out to the grocery store or to pick up their kid without makeup on. Really? Nearly half of all women say they prefer to wear cosmetics than to show their bare face. But what's the most shocking of all: one in ten women polled said they would never ever let their partner see them without a full face of makeup on.

As a girl with freckles (eww) and NO eyebrows, I dare to ask: Are there women who actually leave the house WITHOUT makeup? Not to sound like Elle Woods, but taking care of yourself is key.

I'm just sayin'!


  1. teeeheee you can be the red head version of Elle Woods! LOVE IT!

  2. I totally didn't mean for it to sound overly priss, but I was raised by my mama who wouldn't go anywhere "'til she touched up a bit." ;)
