Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Facebook. Can't live with it...can't live without it.

Ahh, the joys of Facebook. I remember the glorious day that Georgia Southern gained access to the wonderous 'book. What a great day! Facebook has made such an evolution. Does anyone remember when the status update had a drop-down menu? You could select "at work," "in class" and a few other choices. Life was so much more simple back in those days.

Status updates. Love them or hate them, it seems that everyone on Facebook enjoys updating their virtual friends on what's going on in their worlds. (Guilty! Especially if I have a glass of wine or 2!) It is the purpose of Facebook in the first place, but sometimes status updates do tend to get a little out of hand. There are a few types which generally make me want to hit the roof:

1) The whiny/complaining/pity party/"my life sucks" update. Save it for your therapist. And while you're there, go ahead and pick up an RX for LEXAPRO.

2) The "repost this if you're not ashamed" update. I love my mom, my husband, Jesus, the puppy that I don't yet have and lots of other things. I don't need to repost CRAP to prove anything.

3) The "TMI" update. As in, "too much information." Grooming habits, personal hygeine, bodily functions, your sex's all TOO MUCH. Think before you type.

Enjoy the Facebook, friends. Please try to keep it classy.

J Bunn

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