Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Take Your Double Standard and Shove It.

Every November, I endure the necessary dreaded doctor's appointment that makes all women cringe. For two straight years, my doc (a female) has lectured me on how I need to lose 10-15 pounds. Now, I realize that I packed on a few pounds over the last few years and that my family medical history dictates that I should be doing everything within my power to be healthy. I work out very often. I watch what I eat. I still can't lose 10 pounds.

My husband, on the other hand, goes to the doctor, and not a word is mentioned about needing to lose weight. He actually went to the doctor just yesterday because of a cold and the doctor PRAISED him for going to boot camp. We're talking one hour of exercise, 2 days a week. This is a guy who eats thinks ordering chicken fingers instead of a bacon cheeseburger is making a "good choice." Poor diet, minimal exercise...and let's not mention how stressed out this guy gets. He is a heart attack waiting to happen, yet his doctor gives him a pat on the back for going to boot camp?!

Why the double standard? Why is it okay for men to be overweight and women to be made to feel like complete slobs if we weigh more than 100 pounds? I can't enjoy ANYTHING without feeling guilty, yet my husband is so concerned with his quality of life (enjoying things NOW!) he won't dare make a sacrifice in the name of good health. But it's Saturday, Jess. You know today is the day we go to Ike's! But it's Saturday, Jess. I don't want to waste my day by going for a walk.

Please do not mistake this for an Allen-bashing post, because it isn't at all. I try my best to encourage him to make better choices, go for a walk with me, etc. but I have learned that I can't change anyone else's mind.

I think it is completely ridiculous that women are held to a standard that men simply aren't.

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