In two short weeks, Allen and I will celebrate our first wedding anniversary! My thoughts:
1) Where has a whole year gone?
2) Who came up with the list of traditional wedding gifts?
I'm a traditional girl. My philosophy on wedding planning was "traditional, traditional, traditional." I did not want to spend a ton of money on trendy crap and gimmicky decor. Naturally, as I started thinking about what to buy for A. Bunn to commemorate our one year anniversary, I spent some time researching traditional anniversary gifts.
So, what are some of the suggestions for traditional first anniversary gifts? Paper! Seriously, paper?!? Some ideas that are listed on the internet include: photographs, books, stock, a scrapbook, bourdoir photos (no, thank you! I am one of the most modest people you will ever meet. I don't change clothing in front of others), tickets of some sort, and an insurance policy. Ok, well...thanks for the suggestions. We already have a framed wedding invitation. Allen trades stock online. He has tons upon tons of books. We also have plenty of wedding photos, including framed portraits from my bridal session. When I told Allen that an insurance policy was a suggested gift idea, I got a suspicious look. Maybe he's been watching episodes of Snapped on Oxygen...
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
6 years ago
Tickets to a concert, game, or even plane tickets! :)